Terms & Conditions


Welcome to BunsWeek: 1) It is not our policy to collect or sell private information concerning users. We also do not employ cookies; 2) Users should be aware that third party advertisers and affiliates may collect information on users. BunsWeek will not be held responsible for the collection of such information nor how it is used; and 3) BunsWeek is NOT responsible for data breaches of information, nor the use of such information once obtained; 4) In case of attacks or breaches,BunsWeek reserves the right to cooperate with law enforcement entities to the extent we deem appropriate (see below)..


Our site is operated by or on behalf of BunsWeek. Other venues that are produced by us are found under the BunsWeek umbrella. The same Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy apply to these entities. You can contact us for more information at  contact@BunsWeek.com.


We reserve the right to make changes at any time. Please check this page frequently to note changes, as they are binding on you.


In the event that you submit postings (or if we require your name and other personal information to use certain parts of our website), you agree to use only your real name, email address and to provide up-to-date contact information. You additionally agree not to provide false information nor impersonate any other person, whether alive, dead, or nonexistent. If a password is required, you agree not to share your password with anyone else, nor use the account of others.  If for whatever reason we desire to suspend, remove or delete information that you have posted on our website or deny you access, you will hold us blameless for doing so. Our action to remove postings or deny access to users is not subject to review by others nor is subject to appeal. 


Advertisers or third party affiliates are responsible for content that they post on our website.  BunsWeek assumes no liability for the accuracy of the information posted, nor how the data collected from you is used by these entities. With regard to content posted on our website (exclusive of advertisements), BunsWeek is the sole owner of any such material. However it should be clearly understood that while BunsWeek assumes ownership for the process of publishing, it does in no way absolve the persons or entities submitting the information from the submission and liability requirements found below. Also it should be recognized that it may take time for BunsWeek to identify and remove offensive material. BunsWeek will not be held liable for issues that may arise because of such delays.

 Any person or entity wishing to copy or use material found on our website may not do so unless we agreed to such in writing prior to use. If permission is granted, it will be on the basis of a limited, temporary, revocable, non-exclusive licence. 

We do not warrant the accuracy of content posted on our website. You are advised to obtain professional advice before taking (or refraining) from any action based on information found on our site. We make no guarantees, representations or warranties, express or implied, that the content on our site is accurate, factual, complete or up-to-date. 

Except for advertisements by third parties (and then mutually agreed to conditions will generally apply), we reserve the right to remove or modify any content appearing on our site, at any time, without notice. We will be held blameless for any loss or damage caused or arising from such editing or removal of content.


 When you submit content to our site, you grant to BunsWeek an absolute royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable, ever lasting non-exclusive licence to such material.  You are responsible for insuring that copyright and trademark rights are not violated when you post your opinions, postings or content. BunsWeek assumes no liability for plagiarism or trademark/copyright violations by others (see below). While we will generally identify authors who submit postings, we are under no obligation to do so.

At our discretion and without limitation, we may publish, reproduce, combine with other postings, reuse, repackage or revise your data. Additionally, we may broadcast, edit, transmit, save, archive, license, syndicate, copy, license, sub-license, and/or exploit commercially your data/content, as we see fit.  You agree to waive your right  to be compensated or identified as the author of any content that you submit, or to object to treatment you consider derogatory. Often known as moral rights, you automatically agree to give up such rights in relation to any content you submit to our site. 

For content that you submit, you attest to the fact that you are over 16 years old and that you own or have the necessary, rights, licenses, consents and/or permissions to use all patent, trademark, copyright, trade secrets or other proprietary rights that you incorporate into your postings or articles. BunsWeek assumes NO liability for violation of such rights by others. 

You agree not to submit hateful, obscene, defamatory, libelous or illegal information, or postings that advocate same. You also agree not to post discriminatory postings that disparage others on the basis of age, race, religion, sexual orientation, handicapped status or ethnic background. These examples are just that – examples, and other categories that violate common mores or laws are also prohibited. Additionally postings or submissions that encourage conduct that would be considered criminal in nature, give rise to civil liability, or violate any laws are equally prohibited.

You may not post anything that promotes your own business or the business of another (unless agreed to with us in writing prior to publication). We reserve the right to remove such postings without prior notice. We will not be held responsibility nor accept responsibility for the removal or the deletion of such postings, or for failure to preserve information relating to such postings.


To the extent permitted by law, we accept no liability nor any responsibility concerning the content of information that appears on our sites. This includes implied or express liability for warranties, representations or other factors that may give rise to claims . Our site operates on what is commonly referred to as a “as is” basis. Users should not nor rely on, nor assume, the accuracy of information posted, nor rely on any supposed warranties or representations. To wit, there are none. 

 While we will make efforts of our choosing to prevent problems, we make no representations that our sites will be secure or free from viruses, trogans, worms, logic bombs or malicious material. You are responsible for configuring your computer to provide protection from such issues. As such we highly recommend that you purchase and maintain a highly rated virus protection software program.

We will cooperate with law enforcement personnel if you knowingly introduce viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other malicious material onto our sites. By breaching this provision, you violate the Computer Misuse Act 1990 and appropriate action will be taken. 

Advertisers are fully responsible for making sure that that they are in compliance with the mandates articulated above and that any material that they post on our site is compliant with all relevant local, state and federal laws and regulations. We do not accept any liability or responsibility whatsoever for the content of such third party material, nor for any loss or damage resulting from dealing with a vendor who advertises on one of our sites.

 If you are a vendor and you are interested in partnering with Buns Week or placing advertisements on one of our site, please contact us at contact@BunsWeek.com.


You warrant and agree to the fact that you are responsible for any harm, loss or damage that we suffer as a result of your actions or violation of these terms or conditions. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless BunsWeek and its affiliates, our members, officers, directors, officers, managers, employees, agents, contributors (in short, from all who manage or contribute to BunsWeek), without exception, from all losses, costs, expenses and damages. This includes all legal costs incurred by BunsWeek.


All understandings with BunsWeek  are governed by laws of the United States. Additionally all parties agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Palm Beach County FL. If you bring suit against Buns Week, our affiliates, members, directors, officers, managers, employees, shareholders, agents, licensors or any other entities associated with Buns Week you must do so in Palm Beach County, Florida. Additionally if you do not prevail, or only partially prevail in your action against Buns Week, you agree that Buns Week is entitled to attorney’s fees and if applicable, damages as determined by a court of law. 

If any provisions of our Terms and Conditions or policies are found to be in violation of law, then the remaining terms remain fully in force.


These terms constitute the entire agreement between you and Buns Week concerning your use of our site. It supersedes and overrides all previous understandings, promises, agreements, assurances, warranties, or representations made between the parties, whether written or oral.


Buns Week respects the rights of others and endeavors to uphold the highest possible standards of behavior. We take complaints seriously. If you feel you need to make a complaint, please do so at  contact@BunsWeek.com and provide us with the information set out below:

  1. Identification of the information in question;
  2. The date of the article or posting;
  3. A clear articulation of your complaint and a precise explanation of why you believe the content to be incorrect or harmful. 
  4. Your name, address, telephone number and email address. We will use this information to contact you if we require further information or assistance from you.